Module 0 - Getting Started

Module 0 - Getting Started


Learning Objective


You will need to be able to program in Javascript for this class and you will need to be able to get your programs to the instructor. This module is a getting started module to get both of these objectives met.


JSFiddle and JavaScript


You will first need to create a JSFiddle Account - - JSFiddle is an online programming tool for programming in Javascript. If you need help on using JSFiddle - there is a nice little tutorial here 



There are also plenty of development environments to assist with Javascript programming, and I encourage you to find one you like and use it. Most submissions will be in JSFiddle for one simple and easy to understand reason - they are easy for me to grade. Here are some tools that can help you;


Meteor - - An installed API and web tool for writing Mobile Apps and Web Apps in JavaScript


NodeJS - - Also an installation with an IDE for building applications


JSLInt - - You will want this tool, it scans your Javascript code looking for problems


Some more help with Javascript. The Javascript tutorial at W3 Schools covers pretty much what you need to be successful in this class using the Javascript language. You will also want to use a Javascript IDE to help write Javascript code better. You have free access to Visual Studio 2015 through Dreamspark (  )  - and even though it is overkill it does work quite well. Another tool that a lot of developers love is WebStorm from JetBrains ( ). Of course if you are a programming commando - you can simply go with Notepad or Notepad++, or just write directly in JSFiddle.


Quizzes (Quiz Submission Instructions )


Quiz 1 - Also - you will need to take the quiz at (you will be doing many quizzes during this class) - this is an easy sample quiz and I picked it because it only has 2 questions. After taking the quiz and getting 100% correct - capture your score and submit the png file of the CROPPED score. It will look something like this. Please note that I will use questions or variations of questions for your final exam. If you can answer all the questions on quizzes - you will do fine in the class.




Assignment 1 - You will create a new Fiddle called Array Example. For this example you will create in JavaScript an Array of strings - you will populate it with the first names of each of the members of this class. Yes, you will need to use the bulletin board to collect these first names. Please note that you must use an Array for this assignment (not another data structure).  Note: since the class is pretty large, feel free to use a random sample of any 10 members of the class.


You will create a button with the Text - "Pick One", when I click the button it will call a function that will randomly pick one member of the Array - and print that person to the screen. If it works - you get full credit. This assignment is only getting you set up using Javascript and JSFiddle - which you will be using for the rest of the semester in this class.


Also - you will need to take the quiz at (you will be doing many quizzes during this class) - this is an easy sample quiz and I picked it because it only has 2 questions. After taking the quiz and getting 100% correct - capture your score and submit the png file of the CROPPED score. It will look something like this. Please note that I will use questions or variations of questions for your final exam. If you can answer all the questions on quizzes - you will do fine in the class. Some of the questions may be above the level of the class - the class discussion boards is a good place to discuss which are important and which are at a much higher level.


Assignment 1 Grading Criteria


You should have a complete application with a button "Pick One" that returns the first name on the screen for credit.


Next:  Module 1 - Time Complexity